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When travelling to and from school students should remember that they are representatives of Uxbridge High School.  When leaving the school site, students should depart immediately from the school and not congregate outside or around the school.  Please do not wait or park outside the school entrances.


The UHS way provides exceptional learning experiences and cultivates excellence in every student. We need every parent and student to be as ambitious as we are ensuring they attend school every day. We appreciate there may be very rare occasions when students are too ill to come to school. The minimum target for each student is 96% and we believe unless there are exceptional circumstances students should not require more than 1 period of absence for illness/term. Most students should aim for 100% attendance.

If a student is unable to attend school due to illness, parents should contact the school on 01895 234060, press 1 and leave a message before 8.30am.  If the school has not heard from a parent, we will contact them to find out the reason for absence via our automated absence system.

If a student is in sixth form and cannot attend school due to illness, parents should contact the school on before 8am.

If the authenticity of illness is in doubt, we will request parents to provide medical evidence to support illness. We will record the absence as unauthorised if we are not satisfied with the authenticity of the illness. We will contact you if we feel there is a reasonable reason for us to query the frequency of a student requesting absence for illness reasons.​

On a student's return to school following an absence, the parent must email a short note attaching any appropriate medical evidence which states the reason for the absence.

 All hospital and dental appointment cards/letters must be provided as evidence prior to leaving school.

The school will report any unauthorised or continued absences to the participation team, who will then contact the parent to discuss the reasons for the absences.  Legal action and Fixed Penalty Notices (fines) are issued for students who do not attend school regularly.

Punctuality is extremely important, and we ask that you make sure your child leaves for school early enough to ensure that they arrive at the specified time for their year group.  Students will receive sanctions for lateness, and we will inform the participation team if students are regularly late to school.


Where possible, all appointments should be booked to take place outside of school hours.  Where this is not possible, students should be given a note written by a parent and the appointment card/letter.  Students must show the letter to Student Services and then sign out.


Parents are not permitted to take their children out of school for holidays or any other planned event during term time.  Any unauthorised holiday absence carries a penalty fine at the discretion of the Education Welfare Officer. 

Holidays should be planned around the school term dates, which are sent to parents in advance and published on our website. For exceptional circumstances please complete and return th form below at least 14 days in advance.  However, in the case of an unauthorised holiday the Educational Welfare Service will be notified and they may take further action.

Leave of Absence during term time.