Sixth Form Ofsted
Ofsted Report 2018
- Sixth-form leaders are ambitious for students and the school and have been proactive in facilitating improvement.
- The broad curriculum offer meets the needs of students so that they are able to study the subjects they need to pursue their career choices. Leaders recognise the importance of students broadening their interests and experiences beyond their academic studies. All students select additional activities, such as mentoring younger pupils in the school, helping with sports coaching and participation in schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and the Young Enterprise charity.
- Students receive helpful and bespoke careers guidance and support with university applications so that they are well placed to pursue the courses of their choice. They benefit from the school’s links with outside organisations, including nearby Brunel University, which provide students with insight into a range of professions and the world of work.
- Students rapidly develop a range of valuable study skills, including research and managing their working routines independently. They are well prepared for the next steps in their education. The school’s careful follow-up of students’ destinations after they leave the sixth form shows that nearly all progress to university, further education or apprenticeships.
- Teachers and students interact very positively and there is a high level of pastoral support. Students who spoke to inspectors, and expressing the views of others, described the sixth form as a ‘vibrant community’ where the ‘pursuit of knowledge is encouraged’ and ‘teachers care’. Students are aware of ways in which to keep themselves safe and healthy through the topics discussed in regular citizenship sessions and assemblies.
- There is sustained high-quality provision of vocational courses. Students do consistently well in their achievement in vocational qualifications.
- Students appreciate their teachers’ subject specialism and how approachable they are if they need extra help with their studies. Students are very clear on the requirements of their courses. They know what they need to do to achieve their target grades because their teachers provide them with detailed and regular assessments, in accordance with the school’s policy.
- Students have purposeful attitudes to their learning in the stimulating lessons their teachers provide. Students organise their work well and are proud of their achievements. They are ambitious for their future careers. They value the opportunity to complete high-quality work experience opportunities that are directly relevant to, and strengthen, their applications for courses and jobs in the future.