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Key Dates and Summer Checklist


Key Dates for you and your parents


Welcome letter and admissions information – end of May 2024

During this week you received your first welcome letter via email from Ms Seymour, Principal and the link to complete the admissions process online for Uxbridge High School.  There will be several items of supporting information contained within this admissions email.


Access to the ‘moving up to secondary school’ webpage

You are now able to access the ‘moving up to secondary school’ webpage. Each of the sections contains important information. Look through each section to find out what life will be like at Uxbridge High School. Download and complete the following packs during the summer holidays to help prepare you for secondary school:

  • Preparation for secondary school pack;
  • Transition homework pack 

This will enable you to organise completing the work. Remember you’ll need to bring the pack on the first day at Uxbridge High School.


Contact with your primary school - June 2024

Miss Phillips has already begun to contact primary schools and will be contacting your primary school to find out more about you.  We also try and visit as many of our feeder primary schools as we can during this month.

Deadline to complete the admissions and privacy process – June 2024

It is essential that the admissions form is completed in full, online, by the end of June 2024.   If you need support completing the admissions form, please contact the school on 01895 234060.  We are open from 8am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday during school term time and from 9am to 12noon during school holidays.


Transition Day at Uxbridge High School - 2nd July 2024

You will receive a letter in June, via email, inviting your child to our transition day.  All Year 6 students across Hillingdon Borough will be attending their new secondary school on 2 July to enjoy a taster day.


Summer School - 25th & 26th July 2024

If you wish your child to attend, please use this link to book a place. 

Summer school sign up form:


Deadline to order your uniform – 1 August 2024

Please note that our uniform is changing for our Year 7 students for September 2024, so please do not order uniform from our suppliers until this is available. It will be navy blue with gold.  In order to guarantee that your uniform will arrive on time, before you start school in September, you must ensure you order your uniform by this date.


Welcome letter – August 2024

During the month of August, you will receive your final welcome letter. With this letter you will also receive vital information about your first day, as well as further guidance on the online platforms that you will be using throughout your time at Uxbridge High School.  This will include advice and login details for the following online platforms:

  • Parent Pay and Cashless Catering


Your first day – 4 September 2024

We look forward to meeting you all on your first day at Uxbridge High School. Remember to bring with you your pencil case; your completed transition work and to wear your full school uniform.

Key information for you and your parent

Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting and significant event in your life.  It is an important milestone which, for many parents and teachers, marks a change in expectations regarding crucial life-skills such as independent working and self-organisation. To support both parents and students for the start of term, here are a few tips for you to remember as part of your planning:

Before school starts:

(1) The school journey and routines

Time the journey to school or to the bus stop;

Be sure you are clear about what time you are expected to be home and what to do if you are held up for any reason;

Make sure you know or have your parents’ contact numbers;

Buy an alarm clock and make sure you know how it works. Test run it before the first day at school;

Work out with your parent what time you will need to get up to get to school on time. Work backwards from the time you need to be at school (8.15am outside your classroom). Include all the things you will need to do;

Agree a routine for the mornings and after school. Will you shower/ bath in the morning or the evening? Will you get your school bag ready the night before or in the morning? Who will make your packed lunch and when?;

Agree a bedtime for school days with your parent, that will ensure you will get enough sleep;

Have a couple of practice runs…. set yourself the challenge of getting up at the correct time and getting ready;

Does anything need changing as part of the journey and commute to school?


(2) Life at UHS

Has all necessary paperwork been signed and sent back to the school?

Do you have the correct uniform and equipment in order to make a smooth as possible start to school life? Check the uniform requirements including rules regarding make-up and jewellery;

Ask your parent to check there is money on your parent pay account, so you can eat at school?

Have you been through all the information available to you on the Year 6-7 Transition page?

If your parent thinks you may be entitled to financial support from the school, are you aware of how to apply for it?

Name/label everything, even shoes – you would not believe what you can lose.


When school starts

(1) The school journey and routines

If possible, a parent should be around for you for the first few days/ weeks and support if necessary. Your parent should praise and encourage independence, but also be ready to offer a helping hand should you need it;

Give your parent a copy of your timetable. Keep this on display so that you and your parent can refer to it;

You should be encouraged to learn what lessons you have on which days, so that you can become independent;

Make sure you know what to do if you are late or get lost.


(2) Life at UHS

Make sure everything is ready, the evening before, including uniform, shoes and equipment. Have a good system for keeping books and equipment organised;

Make sure a full PE kit is taken to school on the days it is needed. If you regularly lose or forget essential items, your parent can give spares to your form tutor to keep at school if possible;

Make sure you have a locker to store your belongings safely in when at school.  You will be offered a locker during the first week at school;

Go through your timetable with your parent. If you have a timetable displayed somewhere (a good idea), it is useful to colour the days when you have PE, so that you can easily see each day if you need to take your PE bag;

Ask your parent to keep a copy of important login details to hand, just in case you lose them;

Are your parents aware of key events coming up;

Your parent should familiarise themselves with the school’s guidelines on how to keep you safe online and go through it with you.