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Principal's Weekly Update

Curriculum Spotlight: Business and Economics

Good afternoon, everyone! We’re coming to you a bit earlier this week, on a Wednesday, but you’ll likely get this message on Friday. As always, we have three key themes to discuss today. I'm thrilled to be joined by the lovely Mrs Satwinder Kaur-Hender, who will delve into business and economics. Additionally, I'll be discussing our proud values and their impact on our culture, as well as providing updates on various school events happening this term.

First, let's talk about why we're here today in front of the business and economics mural. Curriculum is at the heart of what we do, and we strive to make it come alive for our students. One of my favorite songs is "Sign of the Times" by Prince, and I believe this mural perfectly captures that sentiment. Mrs Satwinder Kaur-Hender will elaborate on this shortly.

Promoting Our Proud Values

Our school culture is incredibly important to us. We teach our students the meaning of our proud values and encourage them to actively demonstrate these values throughout the school. An essential aspect of our culture is showing kindness and respect to all adults within the school. Our students do this regularly, but we also emphasize the importance of expressing gratitude. June 19th is National Thank a Teacher Day, and our students are busy writing thank-you cards not just for teachers, but for all adults who contribute to their success. Parents, if you’d like to check what your child has written, please do! These heartfelt messages make a significant impact.

Events and Updates

Year 11 and 13 students are wrapping up their exams, which means celebratory events are on the horizon. This Friday, we have farewell events for both year groups. Next week, Year 11 parents are invited to the leavers' assembly, where we will present the Laurel Leaf medals and watch the eagerly anticipated leavers' videos. Additionally, we have the prom and the Year 13 ball coming up, so stay tuned for more details.

Business and Economics: Bringing Theory to Life - Mrs Satwinder Kaur-Hender

At business and economics, we've focused on bringing the subject to life through various activities and trips. Notably, we've visited Spitalfields and Harrods to illustrate the contrast between entrepreneurship and established companies and the Bank of England to highlight monetary policy for our economists. Currently, we’re hosting the Tenner Challenge, where students from Year 7 to Year 10 turn £10 into a profit. Many of their products will be sold on Culture Day, which we're eagerly looking forward to.

Our recent trip to Paris and Disney was a massive success. It allowed students to explore the business side of entertainment, which they found both educational and enjoyable. The mural behind us features Elon Musk, a renowned entrepreneur, and Dambisa Moyo, a Zambian economist, serving as real-world examples that students can relate to and learn from. These examples help students apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, enhancing their learning experience.

Final Thoughts and Upcoming Events

We hope you’re enjoying these updates. Please provide feedback if there’s anything you’d like to see differently or added to our vlogs.

Finally, have a great weekend! For those celebrating Eid, enjoy your celebrations. We’ll see you all next week, same time, same place. Thank you!



Louisa Seymour


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