Professional Development at Uxbridge High School
Professional development at UHS
Uxbridge High School values developing their teachers and associate staff and therefore proudly offers an all-encompassing professional development programme for all colleagues employed by the school. The culture ensures teachers work collaboratively to improve their practice and there are numerous opportunities throughout the school calendar where all staff have the opportunity to do this. Our range of professional development opportunities supports colleagues with their individual needs, facilitating success for all. Feedback from training offered has been consistently judged as very high quality.
CPD opportunities for staff include:
Aspire Courses
A Bespoke six session course for all teaching staff, which provides development at all levels of experience. Staff select the course which they would like to follow from the following:
ASPIRE - Senior Leadership, ASPIRE Middle Leadership, ASPIRE Teaching and Learning, ASPIRE Character and Culture, ASPIRE Inclusion.
- Uses external expertise linked to school based activity.
- Includes peer support.
- Enables staff to be reflective.
- Offers an opportunity to work with colleagues and share professional dialogue and practice.
- Offers opportunities for independent self-study.
- Enables participants to identify the focus of development.
Teaching and Learning Triads (TLTs)
Staff work in groups on an agreed area of pedagogy. They share structured feedback, professional dialogue and best practice over the course of an academic year.
- Involves observation and feedback.
- Includes peer support.
- Enables participants to identify the focus of development.
- Enables staff to be reflective
- Offers an opportunity to work with colleagues and share professional dialogue and practice.
- Offers opportunities to receive regular, structured feedback.
- Embeds learning into classroom practice over a period of time.
Lead Practitioner Team (LPT) mentoring and coaching
Programme for teachers who have been identified for additional support.
- Demonstrates a direct relationship with the classroom / school.
- Offers opportunities to receive regular, structured feedback.
- Involves observation and feedback.
- Embeds learning into classroom practice over a period of time.
The LPT also work in curriculum areas to support curriculum leaders, with the monitoring of teaching and learning and also to deliver specific CPD needs within the department.
Training and development afternoons (Thursdays)
Regular time allocated for meetings, student progress reviews and training on current CPD requirements.
- Demonstrates a direct relationship with the classroom / school.
- Embeds learning into classroom practice over a period of time.
- Includes peer support.
- Offers an opportunity to work with colleagues and share professional dialogue and practice.
TeachMeets and Teaching and Learning Fairs
Termly whole school events where all colleagues have the opportunity to share best practice on a specific area of teaching and learning taken from the SIP. Other schools from across the borough are invited to attend.
- Offers opportunities to share best practice not just across UHS but with other invited schools from across Hillingdon.
- Encourages a culture of professional development.
Open Classrooms Fortnight
Every term, open classrooms fortnight is an opportunity for staff to drop in to colleagues' lessons to see great practice based on a specific theme taken from the school development plan. Colleagues volunteer to open up their classrooms for the fortnight and positive feedback from all lessons is collated.
- Offers opportunities to share best practice across UHS.
- Involves observation and feedback.
- Enables staff to be reflective.
In modern times, we understand that there is an increasing desire for accredited qualifications, including Masters qualifications and we are proud that we are able to support colleagues in their pursuit of higher and further education.
Furthermore, we support colleagues as appropriate in attending external CPD courses. For example, colleagues may request to attend exam board feedback or subject specific external courses to support their development and therefore all colleagues are encouraged to be proactive in seeking their own individualised professional development opportunities.
Starting a new school is challenging for all staff regardless of their position. At Uxbridge High School, we go that extra mile to ensure all staff experience a comprehensive induction and are intensively supported during their first term. We provide all staff with a full induction covering key policies and procedures relevant for Uxbridge High School and ensure that all required support is in place.
Uxbridge High School has developed an extensive and comprehensive programme of Initial Teacher Training and we have a very successful history of working with PGCE students, Teach First participants and NQTs. The induction support programme is an individualised programme of support, monitoring and guidance which aims to develop participants into outstanding practitioners. We work incredibly hard to ensure that the statutory requirements are not only met, but exceeded, to ensure a positive and rewarding experience for all involved. This is built upon effective CPD, experienced subject and professional mentors and a drive to ensure that we make success happen.
Uxbridge High School supports a number of student teachers studying for their Post Graduate Certificate in Education through their school experience. Currently we have partnerships with Brunel University, The Institute of Education and Kingston University taking students in a variety of subjects. Many of these institutions have recently been graded as outstanding by Ofsted and therefore we can be sure that we are working with the very best training providers. Student teachers are provided with a full support network to develop their professional practice. They take part in weekly CPD sessions which are specific to their training needs, have regular meetings with both a subject and professional mentor and regular developmental observation.
At Uxbridge High School, we are proud to partner with Teach First in support of the Early Career Framework (ECF). The Early Career Framework provides a two-year package of high quality professional training for Newly Qualified Teachers and their mentors.
We have a full ECT programme which aims to support newly qualified teachers in their development as professionals. This consists of weekly CPD sessions, strong mentor partnerships and ongoing observations. The training programme is under continued evaluation in order to ensure that it has the desired impact for all participants. Uxbridge High School works closely with the local authority to ensure effective provision and support for all ECTs in them completing their two induction years.
Our package of support aims to give all ECTs opportunities to:
- gain experience of working with young people in the classroom and general school situation;
- develop a range of teaching strategies;
- gain experience in planning, teaching and evaluating lessons and schemes of learning;
- develop skills and understanding in classroom management techniques;
- gain the confidence and skills to establish a purposeful learning environment;
- gain experience of school, department and pastoral organisation; and
- develop the ability to work positively with young people, colleagues and parents.
As such, every Early Career Teaching joining the Uxbridge High School team will benefit from:
- Two years of expert support, training and resources delivered by Teach First;
- A blended, flexible package of both online and face-to-face training;
- Access to high quality resources developed by education experts;
- Careers coaching;
- A dedicated mentor trained by Teach First with excellent subject knowledge;
- Free membership to the Chartered College of Teaching (CCT);
- A menu of school-specific training sessions to opt into;
- ASPIRE CPD courses available in a range of topics;
- Termly progress review meetings to discuss strengths and training opportunities;
- 1:1 careers meetings with members of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss career pathways, interests and next steps;
- Open Classrooms Fortnight - a termly event celebrating best practice across all subject areas; and
- Pedagogical support from our team of leading practitioners.