Rewards at UHS
At Uxbridge High School, we believe that students should feel PROUD of their success, in whatever form it comes. To share that with our students, we choose to reward them for being Positive, Respectful, Open-Minded, Unique and Determined.
The positive behaviour system works in tandem with sanctions to enable students to understand both the positive and negative consequences of their behaviour. Students can be rewarded for any of the following:
- Coming to school with a fantastic attitude
- Participating in lessons
- Speaking in assembly
- Representing the school well
- Completing excellent classwork and homework
- Exceeding their targets
- Many more PROUD behaviours
Year Group Assemblies
Every week in year group assemblies, students in all year groups are rewarded for receiving the most positive points, achieving excellent attendance and demonstrating our PROUD values. Students are also given their PROUD badges and it is explained why they are being shown as model citizens of the school. In the Sixth Form assembly every fortnight, students from the senior school are given prize packs to celebrate achievements in lessons and vouchers for excellent attendance.
To keep the competition alive in the school, each House and year group is also presented with the Leader Board which can be found on the homepage of the website.
PROUD badges are given out every week in year assemblies. They are awarded when students receive a number of character credits from staff for being Positive, Respectful, Open-Minded, Unique and Determined. Students wear these badges on their blazers and collect them over the course of several years. Students have received them for:
- Helping members of the larger community who were in need
- Volunteering to support a teacher in school
- Standing up for another student
- Sharing revision resources in form time
- Completing outstanding work in lesson
Badges are also given out for students who take leadership roles or help to support their peers.
Parental Support and Awards Ceremony
As every parent will know, the work that is done at home is incredibly important in supporting students in their educational journey. Knowing this, we inform parents of their child's positive work at school using emails and letters home, as well as at the annual Awards Ceremony.
Parents can also find our celebrations of individual students and groups as well as information about the rewards trips in the school newsletter and on twitter: @UxbridgeHighSch
Gold Assembly
Every term we celebrate the students who have consistently excelled in their studies and behaviour at Uxbridge High School by running our Gold Assembly. Students are invited who have achieved 100% attendance and punctuality, received Principal postcards and/or are Zero Heroes (received zero negatives points). Students are given certificates and opportunity to win prizes via the Golden tombola. In the previous term, we gave out Amazon vouchers and prizes, such as Gold Beats headphones for students who’s name is drawn from the tombola.
Rewards Trips
Once every half-term, we take students out to educational venues around London to reward them for outstanding work. To be eligible, they must have only positive points and be in the top 50 students from Years 7-13. Alongside this, heads of learning organise reward trips for their year groups to celebrate success and achievement.
In November 2023, 32 students from multiple year groups went to the National History Museum to visit the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition.
In January 2023, 20 students in year 7 visited to Imperial War Museum to learn about World War 2 and deepen their understanding.
Throughout the year more reward trips are planned to celebrate the success of our students. Year 9 will be visit the Warner Brother Studios to see the iconic sets used to film Harry Potter series, and Mr Morgan will be taking sixth form students abroad to visit CERN in Geneva, Switzerland to learn about the Large Hadron Collider.