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    Published 21/03/18
    After many months of innovative and creative hard work, we were overjoyed with the positive, elated responses from audiences on both nights who enjoyed our show: Bugsy Malone.   It was a complete and resounding success that truly lived up
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  • Charles Dickens and Victorian London

    Published 15/03/18

    Students with an exemplary behaviour record were invited to the Museum of London for a day exploring Charles Dickens and Victorian London. Students also got to handle Victorian objects, including an old lamp, a fish seller's hat and a boot jack shaped like a beetle!

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  • Wicked Trip

    Published 07/03/18


    Year 9 drama students enjoyed watching the award winning musical Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre on Wednesday, 21st February 2018. The students will be evaluating the live theatre performance back in the classroom, where they will be writing about the lighting, costume and set design!

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  • RSC Next Generation

    Published 06/03/18


    RSC Next Generation: Backstage Pass

    On the 22nd January 2018, we arrived in Stratford-Upon-Avon to begin our work with the RSC. Around 40 young people from all over the country had come to the RSC to create a performance of Act 1 Scene 2 of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. We had all chosen a department to work in and would all be responsible for different aspects of the show, including stage management, prop and costume, lighting and sound, front of house, and even marketing. We had two professional RSC actors at hand to perform the scene for us, Esh Alladi and Eloise Secker.

    I was part of the digital department and got to work with two video experts at the RSC. We were tasked with creating video projections that would be displayed on the set during the performance. We had two projectors: one projecting onto the floor and another that projected onto a structure upstage. I got to see the full process of creating these projections, from consulting the lead designer to creating the videos and finally mapping them onto the projectors. We worked closely with the lighting and sound departments to time and combine our effects, creating an immersive atmosphere for the audience. I got see all kinds of exciting video effects projected onto the set, such as lighting strikes, huge waves and neon lighting.

    As well as this, we went on a number of tours and workshops around the Royal Shakespeare Theatre (RST) and the Swan theatre, one of my favourites being the technical tour of the RST. Above the stage was a maze of catwalks, booths and control rooms, with hundreds of lights and speakers. We also had a demonstration of the automated parts of the stage. These included trap doors, moving sets and stage shutters.

    My favourite part of the experience was working backstage during the real performance. I was able to use specialist software and a backstage communications system to communicate with the lighting and sound teams and co-ordinate our cues. This gave me a good insight into what goes on backstage. There is a tremendous amount of work that goes on behind the scenes that the audience may never know about, and this made me realise that there is much more to theatre than just acting. Professional theatre can require a whole range of people with different expertise, all working and collaborating to create an entertaining show. Working with the professionals at the RSC really enhanced my learning skills and greatly boosted my confidence. Everyone involved felt proud that they had contributed to what was a fantastic scene. I thank the RSC for the amazing opportunity and hope that more people get to experience what I did.

    - Written by Year 12 student, Kai Jeffreys

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  • Heathrow Jobs & Careers Fair

    Published 12/02/18

    Twelve students from Uxbridge High School’s Sixth Form had the opportunity to attend the Heathrow Jobs & Career Fair at The Sofitel Hotel, Heathrow on Tuesday 30th January 2018.

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  • Target Mars

    Published 12/02/18

    On Monday 29th January, six Year 9 students attended Target Mars at Brunel University, with the aim to develop an understanding of how to survive on Mars and life on board the International Space Station through a range of science activities. 

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  • Barbican Centre

    Published 12/02/18

    On 19th January, Year 9 art students were taken to the Barbican Centre in Central London to view the Basquait exhibition: Boom for Real.

    Students were able to view first hand work from the American artist, whilst listening to one of the gallery’s tour guides, who shared important information about the life of Basquait.

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  • Science Museum

    Published 09/02/18

    Students who had performed exceptionally well in the Autumn term were invited to the Science Museum for a day of wonder, which took place on 15th December

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  • Brunel Law School ‘Mock Trial’

    Published 09/02/18

    On 5th February, five Year 12 students took part in a Mock Trial Day at Brunel University.

    Working with students from other schools in Hillingdon they debated about Human Rights, looked at the trial process and deliberated to come up with a verdict of a case they were given.

    They were also provided with information about where a law degree can lead them. Overall they thought it was a worthwhile trip and enjoyed their experience. 

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  • Bugsy Malone

    Published 17/01/18




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  • Cologne Christmas Market

    Published 10/01/18

    A group of Year 9 and 10 students travelled to Cologne to experience the famous Weihnachtsmärkte and develop their knowledge and understanding of German culture.

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  • Airport Bowl

    Published 10/01/18

    On 12th December, a number of students were rewarded for their efforts in GCSE PE during the first term, by taking a trip to Airport Bowl.

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