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  • Trip to Ypes, Belgium

    Published 22/06/17

    On 16th June, Year 9 students had a full day in Ypes, Belgium. The day involved the following activities:

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  • Holland Football Tour – May 2017

    Published 22/06/17

    It was a 4.30am departure for staff and students attending this year’s UHS sports tour to Holland. With bags loaded and all 30 students and 4 staff accounted for, we set off by coach for Dover. The students’ tiredness quickly faded, as a buzz of excitement took over. The coach journey and ferry crossing to Calais both went smoothly and other than the constant ‘are we there yet?’ questions, the students were well behaved.


    Arriving at our accommodation (Centre Parcs) mid-afternoon on Friday, we checked in to our cabins before heading to the swimming pool to cool down. A couple of hours in the pool was followed by a staff-made dinner of pasta – high in carbohydrates, ready for the next day’s football. With lights out by 10pm, Day 1 was complete. Tomorrow was a big day!

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  • Hillingdon Foodbank Week – May 2017

    Published 06/06/17


    As part of their Citizenship studies, students have learnt about food banks and the importance of them in the community


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  • Hasbro Trip

    Published 06/06/17


    For the last three months, thirty of our Year 13 students have been mentored by seven professionals from different departments within HASBRO. The programme was sponsored by Princes Charles Trust and In the Community We Trust.


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    Published 30/05/17

    Sixth form Performing Arts students enjoyed their first experience of the innovative theatre shown in the Young Vic Theatre, near Waterloo. 

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  • Barcelona Trip

    Published 11/05/17

    Barcelona Trip 7th – 10th March 2017

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  • Sports Careers Fair

    Published 11/05/17

    Brunel University recently offered a number of local schools the opportunity to take part in a Sports Careers Fair, to which we took 11 Year 10 GCSE PE students. This event took place on Thursday 20th April 2017.

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  • Salter’s SEN Chemistry Festival

    Published 11/05/17

    Salter’s SEN Chemistry Festival at Brunel University, Thursday 4th May, 2017.

    Student Review:

    ‘There were five schools invited to Brunel University for the second annual Salter’s Chemistry Festival. The purpose of the festival was for students to learn about chemistry by taking part in experiments. In the first experiment we used different powders and inks to investigate who had killed someone. The second experiment required us to collect different types of water to make some soap creations. The day finished with a science magic show - led by a university professor - and included bending steel and freezing food in liquid nitrogen.

    I particularly enjoyed when we searched for different types of water - pond water, lake water, drinking water and boiled water – mixing the water with oils and nuts to make soap.

    When the rewards were presented at the end of the day, Uxbridge High were awarded with 3rd place for the murder mystery investigation – a great achievement! ‘

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  • UCAS Convention ​​​​​​​

    Published 31/03/17

    Year 12 students from Uxbridge High Sixth Form had the opportunity to attend the UCAS Convention at Brunel University on Wednesday 15th March 2017.

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  • Science Week

    Published 31/03/17

    Science Week was a huge success in March, with over 200 students participating in various activities during lunchtime with Mr Sarai and Ms Toraub. We kicked off Science Week with a rather fiery start, with both teachers setting students' hands alight!

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  • National STEM Learning Centre ​​​​​​​

    Published 31/03/17

    From 9th to 11th March a group of students visited the University of York to take part in the CanSat UK Competition.

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  • Theatre trip to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

    Published 31/03/17

    Theatre trip to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon to see Julius Caesar

    Year 10 drama students were treated to free tickets to the RSC production of Julius Caesar on Thursday 23rd March.


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