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  • Skills London at Excel London ​

    Published 10/12/15

    53 students from Uxbridge High Sixth Form had the opportunity to attend the Skills London 2015 convention on Friday 13th November 2015, at Excel London.

    Skills London is the biggest interactive jobs and careers event for young people in London.

    It was a fantastic event, offering the opportunity to interact with some of the best names in employment, education and training, in a highly interactive and inspirational environment.

    Our students were offered a real insight into the world of work, a chance to try out new skills and activities and gain impartial advice about global opportunities.

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  • Rise and Fall by Intermission Youth Theatre

    Published 10/12/15

    This was the third year in a row we have been to see Intermission Youth Theatre’s annual production. This year we took fifty Year 10 and Year 11 drama students to see the company’s version of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, ‘Rise and Fall.’

    This production fused Shakespeare’s language and London slang and set the story in a school, where gang violence and knife crime was a problem. It was an incredibly professional performance and we were so proud to see two roles being played by former UHS drama students, Donnovan Yates and Iain Gordon, who had visited the theatre company on a school trip three years ago. The students visiting thoroughly enjoyed the production.

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  • Arts Educational Schools

    Published 10/12/15

    As part of the preparations for our Year 3 Festival with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), the following RSC Enrichment students, Aisha McPherson, Sanije Sylejmani, Sanah Sacranie, Ayisha Ali and Attia Kochai, were given training to help direct scenes from the chosen play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. As we are going to perform one day of the festival at the Arts Educational School’s Andrew Lloyd Webber Theatre, we were given the opportunity to hold the workshop at the venue, which also gave us the chance to see the facilities and the stage they will be performing on.

    The workshop was led by Aileen Gonsalves, who is our Director Mentor from the RSC.  She worked with teachers and students to develop ideas for the Festival. Intermission Theatre were also part of the training.

    It was a great opportunity to create imaginative ideas for the Festival with a professional director; excellent to see the exciting venue for our Festival and see how a London Performing Arts School operates. 

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  • Routes to STEM at Imperial College London

    Published 10/12/15

    The Routes to STEM event was held at Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus from 2pm to 5pm. It was exclusively for 14-18 year old women, where they discussed all the different ways people begin their scientific careers. They explored apprenticeships, A-Level choices, university degrees and work experience.


    They had an opportunity to ask a panel questions and network between each other and the experts.  Confirmed panellists included: Lucinda Sandom-Allum (Imperial College Union President), Androula Alekou (Postdoctoral Research Assistant) and Daniel Garrett (Fare Will, Imperial-RCA Design School and Oxford Engineer).


    Student’s feedback was very positive and assisted with making decisions about their future education and career paths.

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  • Barclay’s Life Skills Workshop

    Published 10/12/15

    On November 7th, thirty Year 12 students participated in the Barclay’s Life Skills workshop on work, people and money skills. It was led by a representative from WE Day, with four volunteers from Barclays Bank.

    The workshops were lively and interactive, which kept the students engaged and motivated.

    A feedback form was provided by one of the key students for the day, Jarvis Edobor (pictured below with Alex from WE Day). He wrote:

    On the 7th of November thirty students had the great opportunity attend the Life Skills workshop from Barclays, by a company called WE Day. The day was run by a young enthusiastic charity worker named Alex.

    The 3 hour workshop taught us the fundamentals of a good interview and how to manage money well, through a mixture of debates, intriguing questions and fantastic activities.

    Alex kept us engaged with hands on activities of presenting and group discussions, which really helped to build our confidence for when presenting in front of crowds, a trait that will become a larger factor as we grow and become more accustomed to the life of work.

    The workshop also included really fun energizers mixed with serious life questions that really made it a cool way to learn about how our present actions will impact our future, taking us closer or further away from where we want to be.

    The workshop was a great experience and we would like to thank Alex and the Barclays workers for the chance to partake in the day

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  • Safe to Drive, Stay Alive

    Published 10/12/15

    On 5th November, the Road Safety and School Travel team, invited all Year 12 and 13 students in Hillingdon to attend the Safe Drive Stay Alive presentation, being held in at the Winston Church Hall in Ruislip.

    The purpose of the presentation was the importance of a young driver’s safety. Reaching new and pre-drivers in an emotive and hard-hitting way, influencing behaviour and attitude on the roads.

    The presentation consisted of numerous partnerships, including London Ambulance Service, MET Police, London Fire Brigade and Transport for London

    The students learnt that young drivers are much more likely to be involved in a crash on roads, often due to inexperience and a lack of knowledge of the risks.

    It was a fantastic opportunity for the 45 students from Uxbridge High to be exposed to the information and real life experiences of all the presenters.

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  • Oresteia

    Published 10/12/15

    On Thursday 22nd October, a group of Sixth Form performing arts students visited the Trafalgar Studios to see a West-End production of an ancient Greek tragedy. The play was called ‘Oresteia’.


    The performing arts course at Uxbridge High includes the study of classical theatre and this production was an excellent example of how classical theatre can be performed effectively to a contemporary audience.


    The play was excellent and we were treated to second and third row seats. All students thoroughly enjoyed the performance and were gripped throughout the three and a half hour epic production. 

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  • Urban Scholars ​

    Published 10/12/15

    On 10th October 2015, ten students from Year 11 and 12 participated in the Urban Scholars scheme at Brunel University. Brunel offer the scheme with the aim of enhancing student academic performance, aspirations and life chances. It runs over five workshops across the year and students at Uxbridge High School thoroughly enjoyed their first event.

    Brunel describe their programme as follows:

    The Urban Scholars Scheme is an intervention programme, which aims to work through strong partnerships with local authorities, schools and parents to create challenging and enriching experiences for able and potentially able students who need additional opportunities to enhance their academic performance, self - confidence, critical thinking, team work and presentational skills.

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  • Lessons from Auschwitz Project

    Published 10/12/15

    Between 7th and 15th of October the history department and two Sixth Form students participated in the North London Lessons from Auschwitz project. This project is aimed to explore the universal lessons of the Holocaust and its relevance today. Increasing knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust, highlights what can happen if prejudice and racism became acceptable.


    The trip was a huge success and despite having to get to Luton airport at 5am, with a small delay in the flight, we still made good time and had Mrs Cramp as our group leader, which was a fantastic UHS reunion.


    We visited the Jewish cemetery to look at Jewish life before the war and then went on to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau. Having fantastic guides and testimony (at the pre-seminar) really enabled us to engage with the Holocaust in a way that is not possible in the classroom. The service at the end, carried out by Rabbi Garson, was a moving and poignant end to a fantastic learning experience for us all.


    We look forward to sharing more with the Uxbridge High School in our ‘Next Steps’ project. 

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  • Residential Trip to The Royal Shakespeare Company

    Published 01/10/15

    Thursday 24th September to Saturday 26th September was our RSC Year 3 Residential Trip, where teachers and students travelled to Stratford-Upon-Avon to complete workshops with Royal Shakespeare Company on how to develop our Dream Festival that will be held in March.

    The first day included an introduction to A Midsummer Night’s Dream and a visit from David Tennant. Friday was a full day of workshops that focused on the production elements of the Festival and included a session on voice, marketing, stage management, design and music. We were then treated to a fantastic performance of Henry V in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. On Saturday we put all our new knowledge in to practice and worked with the RSC Musical Director to perform a short scene.

    The Assistant Director of Henry V gave us interesting feedback and then presented the students with certificates, confirming their new Student Shakespeare Ambassador status. We also found time to visit Shakespeare’s birthplace and try on costumes in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre!

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  • Shakespeare Lesson of a Lifetime

    Published 23/09/15

    Year 11 students were left speechless as their English Literature class was interrupted by a Shakespearean performance like no other from rapper Professor Green and actor and RSC Governor, Meera Syal.

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  • Key Stage 4 Results

    Published 03/09/15
    Students and staff at Uxbridge High School have been delighted with KS4 results this year.  Record numbers of students have achieved the highest grades.  Our top performers include: Haazim Tungekar      &nbs
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