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  • Examination Success for this year's Sixth Formers

    Published 17/08/15

    Students and staff at Uxbridge High School have been delighted with this year’s Sixth Form results with 100% of students achieving examination success.  94% of exams entered received a grade A*- E or equivalent and 36% of the examinations were passed at the highest A*- B grades. Business Studies, one of the top performing subjects, celebrated 72% at A*- B. Maths, Chemistry and Art also achieved very high proportions of A*- B.

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  • Holocaust Survivor Talk

    Published 01/07/15

    On 9th July 2015, Year 9 and a group of Sixth Form students at Uxbridge High School were privileged to hear the testimony of Holocaust survivor Hannah Lewis as a part of a series of lessons on Nazi Germany and the Holocaust in their History Lessons.


    Hannah, who was just a young girl during the war, spoke to a packed hall of students. Born in June 1937 in Wlodawa, Poland, Hannah was an only child and the much loved daughter of Adam and Haya. Hannah had a happy and uneventful childhood until war broke out and the Nazis occupied Poland. Increasingly Wlodawa began to fill up with Jews trying to find a safer place outside large cities and became full of refugees. In 1943 Hannah and her family were rounded up and on foot walked to a work camp in a village called Adampol which was a few miles from Wlodawa. Over time most of her family disappeared. Her father and his cousin managed to escape and joined the Partisans. Only Hannah and her mother remained in Adampol. Hannah’s mother was eventually killed in an Einsatzgruppen action and Hannah remained in the camp and survived as best she could. Hannah was finally liberated in 1945 by a Russian soldier.


    Every year Uxbridge High School works with the Holocaust Educational Trust, and two 6th Form students visit Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp as part of the ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’ project. At the end of her talk Hannah stayed for an extra 30 minutes to answer the many questions asked by the Year 9 students.

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  • Young Enterprise Trip to Mayor's Parlour

    Published 19/06/15

    This year, the Uxbridge High School Young Enterprise team; Deco-J, reached the furthest in the Young Enterprise competition that the school has ever reached before.

    After being selected as one of the top two teams in the Hillingdon Area Final and also being awarded the ‘Most Innovative Product’ award, the team then progressed to the West London Final, to compete against the top teams from the other boroughs in West London.

    At the West London Final event UHS went on to win the ‘Best Trade Stand’ award.  The students provided a fantastic representation of Uxbridge High school and were very proud of their achievement.

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  • Oxford University Union Debating Trip

    Published 18/06/15

    On Thursday 11th June 2015, a group of UHS high achieving students visited the Oxford Union. The Oxford Union is a historic institution that has hosted politicians, historians, philosophers and many of the greatest minds of the last 600 years.

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  • Borough Cricket Champions

    Published 15/05/15

    In a game that was in fact the Year 10 Borough final of 2014, the now Year 11s finally played their borough cricket final against Vyners on Wednesday 15th April 2015.

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  • Principal’s Awards – Spring Term 2015

    Published 16/04/15

    The following students were recipients of the Principal’s Award for Spring 2015:

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  • Young Enterprise West London Final

    Published 16/04/15

    This year, the Uxbridge High School Young Enterprise team; Deco-J, reached the furthest in the Young Enterprise competition that the school has ever reached before.

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  • Adopt-A-Bot Competition

    Published 16/04/15
    Students from Uxbridge High School adopted a Finch robot from Brunel University back in November 2014.  Seven students have regularly attended Coding Club after school to code and control the Finch.  The final of the competition was held at
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  • Book Week

    Published 04/03/15

    The week commencing 2nd March 2015 was National Book Week, culminating in World Book day on 5th March 2015. In celebration of this we had lots of different activities and events going on in school.

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  • Sixth Form visit to Berlin

    Published 01/03/15

    From 5th – 8th February 2015, thirty Sixth Form students went to Berlin on an A Level History trip. The purpose of the visit was to investigate various aspects of the A Level History Curriculum, including life in the 3rd Reich and the Cold War.

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  • RSC Partnership Development Weekend

    Published 17/02/15

    On Friday 6th February, the Drama department took two Shakespeare Ambassadors from Uxbridge High School to Stratford, to plan the coming years of the RSC Partnership.

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