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  • Apollo Victoria Theatre

    Published 05/04/22

    Dance and drama students thoroughly enjoyed watching a performance of Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre in January.

    The performance provided us with invaluable information and support completing coursework and lesson information around the piece.

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  • Blenheim Palace

    Published 05/04/22

    Geography students attended a trip to Blenheim Palace with Morgan Sindall. During the trip, students were given a tour of a local woodland ecosystem, planted tree saplings, were given talks on sustainability, toured the palace grounds and went to the Butterfly House.

    Students also received free annual passes to visit Blenheim Palace whenever they want, throughout the next year.

    The visit linked closely with the current GCSE topic they are studying and all of the students thoroughly enjoyed it.

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  • Start of term arrangements

    Published 13/12/21
    We hope that all of our school community have a lovely holiday and a Merry Christmas to all those celebrating.
    We look forward to welcoming staff and students back to school as planned on  Wednesday 5th January.  There is a training morning for staff so students will be required to arrive to tutor groups via their normal gates at 10.55am.
    For further details about the start of term arrangements, please see the Principal's update here.
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  • School will close early on Monday 27th September 2021 - 2pm for all students.

    Published 21/09/21

    School will close early on Monday 27th September 2021 - 2pm for all students.


    School will open at a later time on Tuesday 28th September. Students should arrive at 10:55am, enter through their normal gates and go straight to registration. Their first lesson will be period 3 which starts at 11:15am.

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    Published 14/09/21


    Due to high demand our three open mornings were full and therefore we have taken the decision to schedule a further open morning at 9.30am on Thursday 21st October.  If you would like to book a place, please telephone 01895 234060 or email

    Please note that we do not have any parking available on site for visitors.  There are pay and display parking bays in The Greenway and Whitehall Road.  Alternatively, there are several bus routes that stop near to the school.

    On these dates you will have the opportunity to come into school to meet with our Principal, Mr Nigel Clemens, before being taken on a tour so that you can see the school in action. Booking is essential as numbers are limited. To book, please contact main reception on 01895 234060 or email to confirm your place. We look forward to welcoming you.


    Our school website has a significant amount of information which we are sure you will find of interest. Here you will find links to our curriculum, pastoral support, day to day running of the school and exciting opportunities for our students:
    Please click here to see videos of our school in action and to hear from the principal and some of our students. 


    You may also wish to follow us on Twitter using @UxbridgeHighSch

    We very much look forward to welcoming you.





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  • Start of Term Arrangements

    Published 24/08/21

    Training Days: Thursday 2 and Friday 3 September 2021

    Years 7 and 12 will start on: Monday 6 September 2021

    Years 9, 11 & 13 will start on: Tuesday 7 September 2021

    Years 8 and 10 will start on:  Wednesday 8 September 2021

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  • GCSE Results 2021

    Published 12/08/21
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  • UHS Post 16 results

    Published 11/08/21
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  • Timings for Tuesday, 8th June

    Published 07/06/21

    Timings for Tuesday, 8th June:

    Year Group Arrival Entrance & Exit Base Finish Time
    7 8.15am Gate 3 Old building - English 2.50pm
    8 8.15am Gate 1 C Block 3.00pm
    9 8.30am Gate 1 Old building - Humanities 3.10pm
    10 8.30am Gate 3 Lancaster - Maths 3.15pm
    12 8.40am Gate 2 Lancaster - Business Variable
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    Published 16/12/20

    You will be aware from the national media that the Department for Education has made sudden and late changes in its expectations of schools when they re-open in January.  All secondary schools have been asked to extend the previously planned staggered start to the spring term. 

    For exam group students in Years 11 and 13, remote learning will commence on Tuesday 5th January.  Students in these year groups should remain at home and should log on to Microsoft Teams at 10.50am on the 5th for registration with their form tutor.  Online lessons will begin with period 3.  Students in both year groups will return to school on Monday 11th January. 

    We will also provide on-site education for our more vulnerable children and children of key workers. Members of staff from our Flexible Learning Centre will be in contact directly with some families on Tuesday 5th January to invite them into school from Wednesday 6th January.  If you are a critical key worker and are unable to source care for your child during this first part of term, please contact the school office ( to book a place.  We will confirm arrangements back to you by email.

    Students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 will remain at home for an extra two weeks and return to school on Monday 18th January at the normal times.  Provision of remote learning in the period up to the 18th is being considered for these year groups and an update will follow. 

    The school will be working to set up a rapid flow testing centre during the opening two weeks of term.  The set up will include the collection of parental consent forms for all our students.  When we have more details on this, a further communication to parents will be sent and will include the consent form.

    Start of term arrangements are detailed in the Principal's update of 1st January below.


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  • Summer 2020 GCSE & GCE certificates are ready for collection from main reception

    Published 07/12/20

    Summer 2020 GCSE & GCE certificates are ready for collection from main reception.

    Please contact the main reception to make an appointment to collect on 01895 234060 or email at

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  • Students return to school on Monday, 2nd November 2020. Click here for staggered start and finish times

    Published 29/10/20

    Our staggered start and finish times have helped keep student bubbles apart. We will continue with these with the following amendments:


    Year Current start time Revised start time Current exit time Revised exit time Gate
    7 8.15am 8.15am 2.50pm 2.50pm 3
    8 8.15am 8.15am 3.05pm 3.00pm 1
    9 8.40am 8.20am 3.05pm 3.10pm 7
    10 8.40am 8.30am 3.20pm 3.15pm 1
    11 8.25am 8.25am 3.20pm 3.20pm 3
    12/13 8.25am 8.30am Variable Variable 7


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