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Principal's Weekly Update

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End-of-Year Reflections and Gratitude

Good morning Uxbridge High School community,

Welcome to the final vlog of 2024, a year that's absolutely flown by! As my newsletter message will convey, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our community members. The theme of my vlog this week is three thank-yous, recognising the incredible efforts of our students, parents, and staff.


Thank You to Our Amazing Students

First and foremost, a huge thank you to our amazing students. Whether they're at the celebration behind me, participating in the Duke of Edinburgh activities this week, on the PGL trip today, or engaging in our various events, such as exams, charity work, and the upcoming Culture Day on Monday, our students have been brilliant this year.

We want to finish the year on a high note, which is why I'm awarding a Golden Ticket to these outstanding students behind me. This ticket grants them entry to our fantastic party with the principal. They will soon enjoy some special quiz games and fantastic food prepared by our wonderful catering team and other dedicated staff members. Our finance team, office team, and Mr. Scaife, who is in charge of rewards, have worked incredibly hard to put together this great event. This celebration will be an annual tradition to honour those students who truly deserve something special at the end of the academic year.


Thank You to Our Wonderful Parents and Community

Next, I want to thank our wonderful parents and community members for all of the support you've offered this year. When we work in partnership, we really notice the difference it makes with our young people and staff. All the staff at this school appreciate the thanks, support, emails, cards, and various gestures of gratitude that make our jobs so worthwhile.


Thank You to Our Incredible Staff

Finally, a huge thank you to all the amazing staff at Uxbridge High School. Despite the challenges that secondary schools face, every single member of our staff, whether associate or teaching, thoroughly enjoys being here. They turn up every day, not just in body but with the motivation to deliver gold-standard education for every young person at our school.

I am incredibly grateful to share this vlog and extend my personal thanks to all the staff for their amazing work. We already have bigger, better, and even more golden plans for next year.


Wishing You a Restful Summer

With that in mind, I don't want to keep these eager students waiting for their party. So, I'll conclude here by wishing you all a restful and relaxing summer. I will speak to you again during our GCSE results day partway through the summer, providing an update on our wonderful Year 11 and 13 students and more information about the start of the next academic year.


Louisa Seymour



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New School Year Start Dates

Wednesday, 4th September 2024 - Year 7 & Year 12 Return

Thursday, 5th September 2024 - Years 9, 11 & 13 Return

Friday, 6th September 2024 - Years 8 & 10 Return


We look forward to welcoming you back and wish everyone a successful and enjoyable school year.