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GCSE Grade Descriptors

The student has shown the ability to independently bring to bear a wide range of geographical knowledge and skills when analysing a range of geographical processes and environments including real life fieldwork scenarios.

The student has been able to use and evaluate a range of geographical skills and techniques effectively drawing on a deep reserve of physical, human and environmental knowledge.

The student has written perceptively about complex interactions and interrelationships between people and the environment and between geographical phenomena.

The student has been able to show some independence in applying knowledge to analyse a selection of physical, human and environmental geographic contexts and case studies. 

The student has constructed coherent arguments and drawn justified conclusions about geographical processes by applying a range of knowledge and geographical skills.  

The student has shown signs of developing their competence to be able to apply knowledge and skills to real life contexts including case studies and fieldwork. 

The student has started to develop geographical skills of data handling relating to real life scenarios including fieldwork, map work and GIS. 

The student has made comments with some supporting evidence on a geographical issue using geographical skills.

The student has started to develop geographical knowledge of processes and interactions across the curriculum.


The student has displayed some knowledge about a geographical topic and is working towards applying this knowledge to real world events. 


The student has provided some general written information about a geographical process or interaction between people and place.


The student has been working towards being able to communicate general knowledge about a geographical topic.