GCSE Grade Descriptors
9 |
The student can draw conclusions and interpret meaning in a range of longer written and spoken passages covering a wide range of contemporary and cultural themes, including abstract material, different types of spoken language, multiple tenses, complex grammatical structures and a range of uncommon vocabulary spoken clearly. Consistently initiate, develop, sustain and expand long conversations and discussions independently. Interact naturally, with minimal hesitation. Use pronunciation and intonation which would be understood by a native speaker. Write coherent, fluent, extended texts, manipulating language and using a wide variety of tenses and complex grammatical structures with secure control. Translate a passage containing a wide range of less common vocabulary and complex structures into the target language, fully communicating the meaning. |
8 |
The student can extract and evaluate information in longer written and spoken passages covering a range of contemporary and cultural themes, including some more abstract ideas, different types of language, a combination of complex tenses and grammatical structures and some uncommon vocabulary. Initiate, develop, sustain and expand longer conversations and discussions independently. Use language creatively to exchange and justify a range of thoughts and opinions. Manipulate language to produce long sequences of mainly fluent writing with some extended, well-linked sentences. Expand on the main points, using a wide variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures, with frequent examples of complex structures including a range of tenses and less common language. |
7 |
The student can demonstrate recognition of themes and ideas in longer written and spoken passages covering some contemporary and cultural themes, including some different types of language, a combination of complex tenses and grammatical structures and some less common vocabulary. Initiate, develop and sustain conversations and discussions with some expansion. Use pronunciation and intonation which would be understood by a native speaker with some clarification or repetition. Write coherent extended texts on a wide variety of topic areas, using language effectively to narrate, inform, interest and convince. Translate a passage containing a range of complex language structures into the target language. |
6 |
The student can deduce meaning and demonstrate understanding of overall message and detail in longer written and spoken passages include a range of at least three different tenses, opinions and some more complex grammatical structures and less familiar vocabulary. Initiate and develop discussions on a wide variety of topics, using appropriate register. Write extended texts on a variety of topic areas, containing detailed descriptions, narrations and well-justified personal opinions. Link sentences and paragraphs, structure ideas and adapt previously-learned language. |
5 |
The student can deduce meaning and demonstrate understanding of detail in longer written and spoken passages which include a range of at least three different tenses, well-justified opinions and some less familiar language. Initiate and develop conversations coherently and confidently on a variety of topics. Use and adapt language for new purposes and narrate events. Use pronunciation and intonation which are mostly accurate. Write longer coherent texts on a variety of topics, containing descriptions, narrations and personal opinions with justification, referring to the past, present and future. Link sentences and paragraphs, and structure ideas. Translate a short passage containing linked longer sentences with more complex language structures into the target language. |
4 |
The student can deduce meaning and demonstrate understanding of overall message and key points in a range of written and spoken passages which include a range of at least three different tenses, justified opinions and some less familiar vocabulary. Begin to initiate and develop conversations and narrate events. Demonstrate spontaneity by asking unsolicited questions, responding to unexpected questions and expanding answers where appropriate. Use increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation. Write longer texts for different purposes and in different settings, giving descriptions, narrations and personal opinions with some justification, referring to the past, present and future. Translate longer sentences containing linked ideas and a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures into the target language. |
3 |
The student can demonstrate understanding of a range of short written and spoken passages which include opinions with basic reasons, details and reference to either the present and the past, or the present and the future. Take part in short conversations on a range of topics, describing, informing, expressing opinions and giving reasons and detail Use increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation. Write short texts giving and seeking information and opinions, referring to the past or future as well as the present. Translate longer sentences into the target language. |
2 |
The student can demonstrate understanding of main points, opinions and some details in short written and spoken passages which include reference to either the present or another tense. Use a bilingual dictionary or glossary to look up unfamiliar words. Take part in simple conversations and exchange opinions and give simple reasons. Write short texts for different purposes using mainly memorised language, referring to the present or another tense. Translate simple sentences containing familiar words and structures into the target language. |
1 |
The student can demonstrate understanding of main points and opinions from short written and spoken passages using familiar vocabulary, short phrases and common verbs in the present tense. Take part in brief dialogues, using short phrases referring to the present. Write several short sentences with support to give information and express simple opinions. Translate familiar words and short phrases into the target language. |
The student can demonstrate understanding of a range of familiar written and spoken phrases and opinions, spoken clearly. Answer simple questions. Write a few short sentences with support, giving information and using the present tense of frequently-used verbs. |
The student can demonstrate understanding of familiar spoken and written words and phrases, spoken clearly and repeated if necessary. Say single words and short phrases with support. Write or copy words correctly and complete short phrases or sentences. |
The student can demonstrate understanding of a few familiar spoken words and phrases. Say single words and short phrases. Write or copy words. The students is using strategies such as repetition or gesture to assist them. |