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GCSE Grade Descriptors


The student can perform very difficult music with outstanding fluency and using unique interesting interpretations. Composes music with complex ideas that are idiomatic, and developed using highly impressive creative techniques. Perceives the finest details in music and shows a total command of music notation and vocabulary, applying it to answer questions rapidly and in rich detail.

The student can perform difficult music with fluency and using interesting interpretations. Composes music with some complex ideas that are stylish, and are developed using impressive creative techniques. Shows full awareness of details in music and has a strong command of music notation and vocabulary, applying it to answer questions at a good pace and in detail.

The student can perform quite music with accuracy and using a considered interpretation. Composes music with a mixture of complex and simple ideas that have some style, and are developed using recognised creative techniques. Shows good awareness of details in music and has a good command of music notation and vocabulary, applying it to answer questions at a quick pace and in some detail.

The student can perform quite moderately difficult music with mostly accurate results and using a plan to interpret the sounds with interesting effects. Composes music with a few complex and effective simple ideas that have a sense of emotion and mood, and are developed using some creative techniques. Shows mostly consistent awareness of details in music and has a reasonable command of music notation and vocabulary, applying it to answer questions at a good pace in most questions and gives answers that have some detail.

The student can perform easier or moderately difficult music with only a few slips and follows a plan to interpret the sounds. Composes music with effective, mostly simple ideas that have a sense of emotion and mood, and are developed using a few creative techniques, although not consistently. Shows some awareness of details in music and has a fair command of music notation and vocabulary, applying it to answer questions at a good pace in the majority of questions and gives answers that have sufficient detail.

The student can perform easier music with some errors of pitch and/or rhythm or intonation and follows a basic plan to interpret the sounds. Composes music with mostly simple ideas that have a general sense of mood, and are developed using basic creative techniques, some of the time. Shows basic awareness of details in music and has some knowledge of music notation and vocabulary, applying it to answer questions effectively, although not always accurately or in sufficient detail.

The student can perform simple music. Working towards to have enough planning to interpret the sounds in the performance. Composes music with simple ideas that have some sense of mood. Shows some awareness of details in music and has an elementary knowledge of music notation and vocabulary.

The student can perform basic and short music. Composes music with simple ideas that may not be coherent. Ideas show basic development. Shows some awareness of details in music and has an elementary knowledge of music notation and vocabulary.

The student can perform a short piece of basic music. Composes music with basic ideas that may be lacking in structure and bear some relation to the purpose/brief. Music vocabulary is sufficient to describe the outline features of extracts.


The student can create sounds in response to a stimulus that have some meaning and begin to create with some sense of structure. Understands some aspects of music notation, but needs reminders. Can contribute a small part in a performance.


The student can create sounds that have some meaning and begin to create with basic shapes. Understands a few aspects music notation. Can take a small part a performance.


The student can make some sounds that have a sense of meaning and is starting to create with basic elements. Can distinguish some music notation. Can take a small part a performance but needs support to keep it going for more than 2 bars.



L2 Pass

The student can describe and use some key vocabulary. Answers questions in some detail but not consistently and is in need of more examples. Produces music mixes that have some style but not yet consistent throughout. Makes use of correct technical processes but there are some errors and slips that need correcting.

L2 Merit

The student can describe and explain using key vocabulary. Answers questions in some detail with good examples. Produces music mixes that have style and makes use of correct technical processes for the greater part.

L2 Dist

The student can explain, justify and evaluate using key vocabulary. Answers questions in depth and in full detail giving relevant and interesting examples. Produces music mixes that have fluency, musical style and using correct technical processes throughout.