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GCSE Grade Descriptors

The student has demonstrated relevant and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of a wide range of sociological theories and concepts, sociological perspectives, evidence, and methods. Student can apply relevant sociological theories, concepts, evidence and methods accurately to UK contexts and some global contexts using a wide range of subject specific terminology. Student can critically analyse and evaluate a range of information and evidence, constructing a sustained line of reasoning that leads to informed arguments, substantiated judgements and well-evidenced conclusions about contemporary social life.

The student has demonstrated relevant knowledge and understanding of a wide range of sociological theories and concepts, sociological perspectives, evidence, and methods. Student can apply relevant sociological theories, concepts, evidence and methods accurately to UK contexts using a wide range of subject specific terminology. Students critically analyse and evaluate a range of information and evidence, constructing a sustained line of reasoning that leads to informed arguments, substantiated judgements and well-evidenced conclusions about contemporary social life.

The student has demonstrated relevant knowledge and understanding of a range of sociological theories and concepts, sociological perspectives, evidence, and methods. Student can apply relevant sociological theories, concepts, evidence and methods accurately to UK contexts using a wide range of subject specific terminology. Students critically analyse and evaluate a range of information and evidence, constructing a sustained line of reasoning that leads to informed arguments, substantiated judgements and well-evidenced conclusions about contemporary social life.

The student has demonstrated mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge and understanding of a wide range of sociological theories and concepts, sociological perspectives, evidence, and methods. Student can apply mostly appropriate sociological theories, concepts, evidence, and methods to UK contexts using some appropriate subject specific terminology. Student can analyse and carry out some evaluation.

The student has demonstrated mostly accurate and appropriate knowledge and understanding of a range of sociological theories and concepts, sociological perspectives, evidence, and methods. Student can apply mostly appropriate sociological theories, concepts, evidence, and methods to UK contexts using some appropriate subject specific terminology. Students analyse and carry out some evaluation of information and evidence.

The student has demonstrated mostly accurate knowledge and understanding of three or more sociological theories and concepts, sociological perspectives, evidence, and/or methods. Student can apply, in a limited way, basic sociological theories and concepts, evidence, and methods to familiar UK contexts using everyday language. Students describe information and make generalised arguments and simple judgements about contemporary social life.

The student has demonstrated basic knowledge and understanding of two sociological theories and concepts or sociological perspectives. Student can apply, in a limited way, basic sociological theories and concepts, evidence, and methods to familiar UK contexts using everyday language. Students describe information and make generalised arguments and simple judgements about contemporary social life.

The student has demonstrated basic knowledge and understanding of one sociological theory and concept. Student can apply, in a limited way, basic sociological theories and concepts, evidence, and methods to familiar UK contexts using everyday language. Students describe information and make generalised arguments and simple judgements about contemporary social life.

The student has started to develop basic sociological knowledge of processes and interactions within contemporary social life.


The student has demonstrated some knowledge of a sociological theory or concept.


The student has demonstrated some general knowledge and understanding of a sociological theory or concept.


The student is working towards demonstrating some knowledge and understanding of a sociological theory or concept.