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The Equality Act and Protected Characteristics

The Equality Act and Its Role at Uxbridge High School

Enacted in 2010, the Equality Act encompasses all individuals in Britain, offering robust protection against discrimination, harassment, and victimisation. By safeguarding everyone against discrimination based on specific protected characteristics, the Act ensures comprehensive protection for all. The nine protected characteristics under the Equality Act are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage or civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Under the Equality Act, protection against discrimination extends to various aspects of daily life, including:

  • The workplace
  • Public services such as healthcare and education
  • Businesses and organizations providing services and goods, including shops, restaurants, and cinemas
  • Transport
  • Clubs and associations, such as local sports clubs
  • Interactions with public bodies, including local councils and government departments.

At Uxbridge High School, we utilize the British values and the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act as a foundational framework to prevent any form of discrimination within our community. We explicitly educate our students to promptly report any instances of discrimination to a trusted adult.

Promotion of the nine protected characteristics at Uxbridge High School is integral to our educational approach and is embedded through:

  • Our school vision and mission
  • Consistent behaviour routines and norms
  • Student leadership programs
  • Community outreach and engagement initiatives
  • Community Conversations during Community Lunch
  • Personal Development curriculum, with explicit instruction on British values and the Equality Act
  • Broad curriculum areas
  • Opportunities for engagement with external speakers, workshops, and educational visits
  • Platforms for student, staff, and family voices
  • Electives program

This comprehensive approach ensures that the principles of the Equality Act are actively promoted and upheld, fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all members of our school community.